14 – 18 year old girls and boys (school years 10 – 13)
Venturers meet on Mondays at 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Scout Hall

The Viaduct Venturers takes its name from the Belmont Viaduct, which ran through the Northern Suburbs until it was demolished in 1951. The unit is made up of young people from Paparangi, Newlands, Johnsonville, and Tawa Scout Groups.
Venturers develop their own programmes – from vocational activities developing self-confidence, to leadership courses and team building exercises.
Venturers extend their range of skills through a progressive award scheme. They can earn certificates that lead towards the King’s Scout Kauri Award and the Duke of Edinburgh / Young New Zealander’s Challenge Gold Award.

Venturers are not shy of a challenge and enjoy attending local, regional and national events. National events include the Walsh Memorial Scout Flying School and Mountaineering School, held at the Ruapehu Scout Lodge.
More about our fees can be found on our fees page.
To find out more or to get in touch, please contact us.
The Scout Law
On my honour, I promise to do my best,
To develop my spiritual beliefs,
To contribute to my community, country and world,
To help other people,
And live by the Scout Law.